Monday, April 17, 2017

The Colors of Spring in the Brazos Valley

For your enjoyment, a few spring wildflowers from April in the Brazos Valley of Texas.  Some are ID'd through great websites: Texas Highways, Texas Wildflower Index and Wildflowers of the U.S.  Some are puzzlements.  All mistakes are my own.  

Little pollinator in winecup, perhaps CallirhoĆ« involucrata

Texas thistle, perhaps Cirsium texanum

Firewheel, perhaps Gaillardia pulchella 

Texas bluebonnets and  primroses in a breezy meadow   

Ah, a member of the legumes, Fabaceae

Possibly Rose Gentian, Sabatia campestris

Texas Yellowstar, possibly Lindheimera texana

And now, three unknowns:  

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